Economy & Energy prime election issues

(Reposted from BLY)


I’m still on my ‘break’ but the previous thread is moving in the direction of Ontario politics.

Some are saying that education should be a big election issue. Personally I want to stay far away from that one.

I’d rather see all party leaders and strategists focusing on the big-ticket items: Energy & the economy. Everything else flows from that.

And in that context, please tell me how Dalton McGuinty can keep shoveling that manure about wind turbines as a reasonable solution to our energy problems when that clearly is only an expensive drop in the bucket?

Ontarians want reasonably-priced, efficient and reliable energy. Industry demands it and our economy must have it going forward. How do the party leaders envision that we get there?

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4 Responses to Economy & Energy prime election issues

  1. Mary T says:

    Hope you still check this site. I have tried to open BLY and Joanne’s Journey and get message, firefox prevented this site from opening. Same with using Internet explorer.
    Is there a problem.


    • joannebly says:

      Thanks Mary T. That’s interesting that you’re getting those messages. Most people are simply getting redirected. I have several queries into various sources on this one. It’s very strange.


  2. Mary T says:

    A couple of weeks ago I got an update to Firefox, and before downloading it I read the -more information stuff- It said this new version would not be compatable with some sites so I never installed it. I keep hitting ask later. It also said when problems were worked out=or words to that effect= firefox would open them. I have not downloaded it but is that where the problem is.
    Next time the message comes up I will read it again and pay attention.
    I had no problem with BLY till late evening. Never thought of e-mailing you, and finally found this site in my bookmarks.
    When redirected, the message from firefox is in red, and just appears for a second, at the very top of the page, sort of a quick flash. Joananes journey gives me the same thing.
    I asked Stephen Taylor, what the problem could be, so far no reply.
    Dumb question, where is the stop button.


    • joannebly says:

      Stop button is usually found at the top of your browser near the reload icon. Mine is an x. (not a dumb question btw)

      I tried something else so give it another shot trying to load the main site. Thanks.


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