This is what strong leadership looks like

Prime Minister Stephen Harper continues to be unequivocal in demonstrating Canada’s support for Israel – (via MSNBC) – Canada takes firm pro-Israel line at G8 summit:

…Diplomats involved in Middle East discussions at the G8 summit said Ottawa had insisted that no mention of Israel’s pre-1967 borders be made in the leaders’ final communique, even though most of the other leaders wanted a mention.

“The Canadians were really very adamant, even though Obama expressly referred to 1967 borders in his speech last week,” one European diplomat said…

There are times when straddling the fence simply isn’t an option, and a firm stand must be taken – even if it means standing alone and losing a seat at the UN Security Council.

And as L. Ian MacDonald points out, Prime Minister Harper has real street cred now.

Let’s hope some of the other world leaders learn by example.

*   *   *   *


PM announces new maternal, newborn and child health initiatives – PM’s website

PM attends the G-8 Deauville Summit in France – Great pics on flickr

MUST-WATCH! Janice Stein on Power & Politics – around the 7 minute mark. (H/T Fay) Actually the whole clip is worth watching.

PM plays key role at G8 summit – Tim Harper, Star. (With a great pic of the PM going barefoot in the sand! – Was he drawing a line?)

Lieberman thanks Canada PM for objection to 1967 borders at G8 – Haaretz

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79 Responses to This is what strong leadership looks like

  1. Sandy says:

    I agree Jo. I watched that last night and was very proud.

    By the way, yours and my regulars may be interested to know that I resurfaced last weekend at a slighlty different URL. My old is still working but I am off the BT aggregator because I really wanted a change of pace so here is my new site addy:

    My new Twitter is if anyone wants to follow me.

    So, if anyone is interested in education, especially special education, I invite them to stop by. It has been very quiet otherwise. LOL

    I have also added your link to my favourites.

    P.S. I don’t know if BLY regulars know of the abuse I was taking after the election — that because I wrote a post suggesting the PM give the opposition a little time to get going until they have a Throne Speech, etc (which they ended up doing), I received a lot of very nasty messages via my Contact Page that I was not a real conservative because I was a progressive conservative. That attitude will clearly not help in the long run. We have a Conservative majority because PCs like me worked just as hard as former Reformers.

    Ontario is a middle of the road political environment and always will be — fiscally conservative, socially progressive. Mike Harris knew that and I expect so does Hudak. As such, I wouldn’t worry about any orange crush here. Andrea Horwath is very good but she is still NDP. Ontarians have very long memories on that front.

    Take care everyone! We have a real leader in PM Harper and his clout will become obvious — which we already knew anyway. 😉


    • Joanne says:

      I have also added your link to my favourites.

      Good to hear from you Sandy! I’ve got yours back up as well.


  2. wilson says:

    This made me smile
    Ibbitson:……” then heading off to a G8 summit right after saying something about Israel that puts him offside with just about everyone else on the planet is positively routine….”

    PMSH must make all those career diplomats (fence sitters) a little crazy.

    Our PM has been unwaivering on accountability with global funding, and also contrary to world leaders, Canada is funding Tunisia and Egypt thru banks, not the new G8 direct support to the new govts.


  3. wilson says:

    ”We have a Conservative majority because PCs like me (Sandy) worked just as hard as former Reformers.”

    As hard as the Reformers worked, you Sandy and all Ontario/East Coast conservatives walked the extra mile, and won the majority for us.


  4. maz2 says:

    Throw the Mohammedan welfare bum out of Canada.

    >>> “The wealthy brother-in-law of the former Tunisian dictator is believed to be in Montreal.”


    “Tunisian leaders not surprised at lack of direct aid from Canada”

    “Meanwhile, Tunisia’s prime minister sidestepped questions about whether he was satisfied with Canadian efforts to expel family members of Tunisia’s

    “We are in contact with Canadian authorities,” said Beji Caid el Sebsi. “We must find appropriate solutions and we continue to have discussions about

    The wealthy brother-in-law of the former Tunisian dictator is believed to be in Montreal.”


  5. Lorraine says:

    So proud of our amazing sensible non showboat deep thinking personable and even quite handsome PM on the world stage.

    Stephen Harper commands respect by his actions, his deeds and his words-unwavering even when all others are capitulating to go along with the “crowd” or the Obama worshippers.

    Israel has no truer friend-not because Israel is always right but because defending a country from being wiped off the map totally by enemies is always right.


  6. Richco says:

    Brian Lilley is asking why Canadian taxdollars are going to fund anti-Israel things like this? (read column) I’d like to know the answer to this one too. Listened to Brian on Newstalk 1010 just a few moments ago and apparently the group that gets this funding has connections to a group we last heard about during the Bev Oda dust-up.

    The microscope needs to be trained this and the money trail needs to be scrutinized.


  7. frmgrl says:

    My latest blog post is related to the topic today.
    Why Are We Funding Anti-Israel,Pro-Palestinian So Called Charities?


  8. Richco says:

    Glad to read that you’re back Sandy but education discussion of late is a circulation of same old issues, still very negative with little movement or willingness toward improvement/reform. It’s too quiet and it worries me so the more discussion the better I guess.

    “Ontario is a middle of the road political environment and always will be — fiscally conservative, socially progressive. Mike Harris knew that and I expect so does Hudak. As such, I wouldn’t worry about any orange crush here. Andrea Horwath is very good but she is still NDP. Ontarians have very long memories on that front. ”

    Harris knew it Sandy but he wasn’t afraid to go push right, push hard and give Ontarians a clear choice that was strong, specific and inclusive of every region of the province. He also left nothing unchallenged.

    In hindsight I’ve heard him say in person and on TVO that he wish he would have done more that the Liberals couldn’t undo. Me too!

    I can’t say, even with the announcements on policy that Hudak has made so far this week that the specifics are in place. Still way too many questions even among riding associations and grass roots looking for a clear connection – I’m talking about those who took a walk last election and would like to return but are hesitant.

    Our local memberships have increased but what’s different now because of the federal election bounce that the PCs may be benefiting from is that the NDP are feeling in x10 and keeping pace with memberships and donations.

    What once WAS historically is not a given, not any more. There’s a whole new dynamic to Ontario thanks to what happened federally.

    No doubt that McGuinty will lose my riding based on his green energy boondoggle and school closings alone – add all of the other issues that have been piling up and it’s my PC candidate who should be able to win the riding, but that is just not something I’m going to take for granted. My prediction this far out is that I see the PCs taking the rural ridings and GTA ridings back and the NDP taking back from the Liberals ridings in Hamilton, Windsor, Sudbury and the north that were once solidly NDP.


  9. Richco says:

    from the Lilley piece above – On Newstalk1010 Lilley said that the money rec’d by this group was rec’d through CIDA

    “The Montreal-based Alternatives, which has received $5 million from the federal government over the last few years, is not what most people think of when they think of an aid group. They don’t feed the hungry or clothe the naked. They are political organizers.”

    “Now they are organizing radicals in this country to join radicals from around the world in taking on the only democracy in the Middle East. The only country in the region that gives rights to minorities, that respects the rule of law.
    They are partnering with radical Islam to attack an ally.
    With your tax dollars.”

    “I wish Alternatives were an isolated group, but they are not. Our foreign aid system has bought into the idea of capacity building to such a degree that we spend millions paying left-wing radicals from this country to train and organize left-wing radicals in other countries.

    It’s time to clean up this mess…..”

    I agree with Lilley! I watched Byline last night and heard Lilley talk about this last night. The more I think about this I have to wonder back to CIDA and remember to all of those in opposition who were so quick to defend that organization and condemn Bev Oda and the gov’t.


  10. Fay says:

    I am proud we have a prime minister that is standing behind the only democracy in the middle east. I am disappointed in David Cameron. Not surprised by Sarkozy and other EU leaders .
    Also not surprised by the anti Israel comments at the G+M.


  11. Bubba Brown says:

    Good post Joanne! The question as to why we are bankrolling all these wing-nut groups needs to be answered.
    As with Kairos, the trail seems to right back to CIDA, the “NGO’s Must go”.
    This is just another Liberal Mess for the grown ups to clean up. IMO
    Bev Oda got a huge boost from her constituents, is still in her job, some more “NOT” please Bev.
    Meanwhile the NDP-Q seem to be the victims of a hostile takeover by themselves, must be the Orange kool-aid secret agenda.


  12. Sandy says:

    Great find Richco. Most of us had no idea how much money CIDA is giving to anti-Israeli groups. The problem is we are a democracy and we need to be seen as fair. However, when aid money is being used for political purposes, it needs to be cut off. I bet we are going to see big cuts soon and the noise will be deafening!

    By the way, I forgot to mention in my last comment that my new site will be as non-partisan as possible. I mean, my point of view will be obvious but I am not going to rah rah for the Ontario PC Party. If they come out with good policies following this weekend’s convention, sure I’ll write about them. And, if the McGuinty gov’t makes stupid decisions, I will say so. But I will simply be speaking my mind.

    I have a lot of people following me on my new Twitter account from the US, so I will be writing about American education/autism issues as well as other provincial matters related to education.

    Like yesterday, I found out that Nova Scotia has the highest taxes in this country but the lowest per pupil grant than any other province. NDP gov’t? I don’t know how long that has been going on but how come Quebec funds $9500 per pupil and NS only $8000 give or take a few dollars.

    Wasn’t equalization supposed to make all provinces equal in terms of health and social services? Ha, clearly another issue for the new Conservative gov’t.


  13. maz2 says:

    Our CBC is still in mourning: notice Our CBC’s “but”.

    “The budget was never passed as the minority government was defeated by Opposition parties in the House of Commons, but the Conservatives were returned to power in the May 2 election with a majority government.”

    Fire. Them. All.


    “Ottawa’s shortfall less than forecast”

    “OTTAWA — The federal government deficit for the past fiscal year was lower than projected, the Department of Finance said Friday.

    Preliminary figures put that deficit at $34.4 billion for the 12 months ended in March. While that’s expected to be higher after year-end adjustments are made — such as calculating tax returns and assessing current values of assets and liability — it is still expected to come in lower than the $40.5-billion deficit that was projected when the Conservative government tabled its budget March 22.”


  14. maz2 says:

    Our CBC’s poll has this up: Go vote.

    “Do you agree with Canada’s position on “Arab spring” funding?”

    Yes. 60%

    No. 35%

    I’m not sure. 5%


  15. Ruth says:

    “No doubt that McGuinty will lose my riding based on his green energy boondoggle and school closings alone’
    that is good news Richco and I hope you are right, but with the amount of money that the Liberals have been giving out in the riding and the PC candidate unknown to a great many, most people I’ve talked to are thinking that the Liberal will be a shoe-in to be re-elected.


  16. maz2 says:

    The socialism-communism of socialist Taliban Jacques Bloc/socialist Liberal leader Rae/Ontario’s socialist Red-Green McGuinty.


    “China Bomber Seen as Champion of Disenfranchised”

    “BEIJING — Hours after homemade bombs blasted government buildings, some Chinese were quick to glorify the disgruntled bomb-setter — a sign of the bitterness many feel toward the government for chasing growth while neglecting justice.

    Hundreds of admiring — and some mournful — messages were posted Friday on the blog of Qian Mingqi, a 52-year-old jobless man who authorities say killed himself and two other people when he set off three bombs Thursday in southern Jiangxi province’s Fuzhou city.

    State media reports and Qian’s posts on Sina Weibo, a popular Twitter-like microblogging site, reveal a man driven to violence by a 10-year battle with authorities over his forced eviction from his house and a failed quest for compensation.

    “I am healthy, mentally normal, and have never committed any crimes to date,” read Qian’s Weibo profile. “My newly built house was illegally and forcibly demolished, causing me massive losses. Ten years of fruitlessly trying to seek redress have forced me to go on a path I did not wish to take.”

    Qian’s Weibo page attracted more than 30,000 followers overnight before being closed by Sina on Friday.

    That’s despite the carnage Qian wrought — he set bombs outside government buildings, killing two other people aside from himself and wounding nine others.

    Many likely signed on to parse why a seemingly ordinary man would resort to such violence. But his message board also quickly filled up with messages of sympathy and admiration.

    “Rest in peace, old Qian, you blasted a lot of people awake,” one netizen, posting under the name evanfun, wrote. Many others called him a hero and promised he wouldn’t be forgotten.
    Qian’s grievances resonate widely in China, where land disputes have mushroomed amid a fast-paced economic boom. Standoffs between tenants and developers often turn violent, with homeowners beaten by thugs or even crushed by bulldozers. Other tenants have set themselves on fire rather than face eviction.

    Adding to the sense of powerlessness is a ban on public protests, a petition system in which citizens submit grievances in writing that is widely considered broken, and a legal system that favors the powerful and connected over ordinary citizens.”


  17. Richco says:

    I hear you Sandy! Today, with the latest partial policy announcement from Hudak I’m not “rah-rah” Ont. PCs either. Just left scratching my head like everyone else. Chain gangs? I had no idea Ontarians saw this as an issue? Looked really bad that when pressed Hudak couldn’t fill in the specifics. I’m pretty much pooched when it comes to politics. There’s so much pleasure out there when I ignore the news.

    I find that SunTV is actually giving me the balance I want, so try to tune into it instead of the usual.

    Re: N.S. education – you said it! They’re just beginning their common sense revolution in that province.


  18. Richco says:

    Hi Ruth “that is good news Richco and I hope you are right, but with the amount of money that the Liberals have been giving out in the riding and the PC candidate unknown to a great many, most people I’ve talked to are thinking that the Liberal will be a shoe-in to be re-elected.”

    just my speculation really but you’re right that the Liberals have been sprinkling cash on us lately and the PC candidate is very much an unknown – to most unfortunately but apparently too many in the south end of the riding simply quit after the last election and don’t want to be involved any more.

    I’ve been working with the riding assn. since September and even so I don’t feel in the loop or at all connected in the way I believe I should. Could be the size of the riding or that things will change after this weekend – I’m not sure.

    I just can’t see McGuinty cruising to another victory – voters need their heads read if that’s going to happen.


  19. Richco says:

    O/T – anyone on our side blogging from the PC convention. Kinsella’s there doing his thing.


  20. Fay says:

    Janice Stein from the Munck centre was gushing with praise for Stephen Harper on his stunning accomplisment of keeping Obama’s gaffe out of the G8 mideast policy today on Power and Politics. Even the US representative was Thankful Stephen Harper prevented the 1967 reference out of Mideast G8 policy. Hinting that Stephen Harper was covering up for Obama’s blunder.


    • Joanne says:

      Janice Stein from the Munck centre was gushing with praise for Stephen Harper on his stunning accomplisment of keeping Obama’s gaffe out of the G8 mideast policy today on Power and Politics.

      I missed that. Will have to catch the rerun.


      • Joanne says:

        O.K. I just saw that clip on P & P with Janice Stein & al. Quite remarkable! They were basically lauding PM Harper for saving the day!


  21. Liz J says:

    Appears Giggles Taber is a fan of Pat Martin, referred to him as “our friend”, she felt he should have gotten something more than the wheat board in the shadow cabinet, said he’s good for the party. Where has she been?


  22. Fay says:

    Pat Martin is foot loose and fancy free. His ex wife is living in their home on salt springs island. A couple of editorials in the Winnipeg Free Press made excuses for his abusive treatment of the women candidates in his riding during the last election. Citing his mood over his recent bitter divorce. That’s the Winnipeg free Press for you… Standing up for the NDP candidate no matter the circumstance.
    Neither CBC or CTV mentioning Stephen Harper’s accomplishment on changing the wording on the G8 mideast policy re Israel. If the so called elite journo’s from the power panel are ignoring it, then it must be very good.


    • Joanne says:

      Pat Martin is foot loose and fancy free. His ex wife is living in their home on salt springs island. A couple of editorials in the Winnipeg Free Press made excuses for his abusive treatment of the women candidates in his riding during the last election. Citing his mood over his recent bitter divorce.

      Seriously? That guy has issues. But I’m not surprised that the liberal WFP gives him a pass.


  23. Bec says:

    I actually think that the Wheat Board issue may be a fun one to watch and with Pat Martin the critic, hang on!
    Feisty farmers will bury Pat and their wives will make him wish that he had been nicer to Conservative women.
    Mincemeat rings a bell…….in a pie.

    AS for Giggles defending this abusive man, shame on her. No one, anywhere should defend him, ever.


  24. Jen says:

    I distinctly remember not to long ago the treatment Bev Oda received from the opposition parties in particular from Pat Martin, because she made the mistake of putting ‘NOT’ to not give money to certain organization that ends up supporting radical groups, which I find strange that Brian Lilley made no mention of this in his article. In fact many msm reporters were all over Bev for cutting funding to kairos.


  25. Barbara says:

    Given good ol’ Pat Martin’s recent treatment towards women, poor ol Jane is probably just scared of him. He does come across slightly unhinged.


  26. Liz J says:

    Frankly I can’t stand the sight of Pat Martin, his behaviour cannot be atoned for, thankfully I can flick him off.


  27. Jen says:

    Joanne, is their a clip to Janice Stein on PP?


  28. janet says:

    comment is late but our PM is great!


  29. frmgrl says:

    Quebec’s back to threats and petulance.

    Wonder what Jack will have to say about that one!


  30. Fay says:

    Just watched Janice Stein again. Up until this point she has always been critical of Stephen Harper. It is good to see her give credit where credit is due. No credit given by CBC or CTV. Unfortunately I don’t have Sun TV.
    What has happened to Ontario Girl?


  31. ed says:

    Joanne says: May 27, 2011 at 9:33 pm:

    “Quebec’s back to threats and petulance.”

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper, please do not go the route of appeasement. As history shows, it does not work and never will. Besides, it’s wrong. It’s long overdue for Quebec to realize they are but one province in Canada. It’s time they realize they’ll receive their fair share, nothing more nothing less. It’s time they realize they are Canadians and, as such, will be treated in the same fashion as all other Canadians are treated. After all, why shouldn’t all Canadians be treated fairly??


  32. ed says:

    A Contrast Between Two Leaders
    Tuesday, May 24, 2011
    By: Howard Galganov


    “A few days ago (May 19, 2011), we witnessed the Teleprompter-In-Chief deliver his message to the Arab World, which was entirely lost on everyone after he concluded his message with his out-of-place demand upon Israel to revert back to the 1948 boundaries.

    I refer to the 1948 boundaries, simply because the 1967 borders do not exist, and have never existed, and are nothing less than propaganda in the Middle East battle between a Democratic Jewish State and yet another Arab Thugocracy.

    Truth be told, there has NEVER been real borders between Israel and the so-called Palestinians (except the biblical borders), since the Arabs NEVER recognized Israel’s legitimacy, and went to war against the fledgling Jewish State within minutes of Israel’s REBIRTH as a Nation.

    Besides, it sounds better when you say 1967, opposed to 1948, which are in reality just “armistice lines” (not borders) Obama was referring to.”


    “As multiple Mid-West Towns in America deal with a natural catastrophe of historic proportions, Obama and his now muted wife are posing for photo opportunities with the Royals.

    Where do you think the President of the American people should be at a time of such great misery to his populace?”

    Interesting points made by H. Galganov.


    • Joanne says:

      Where do you think the President of the American people should be at a time of such great misery to his populace?

      Exactly. So he’ll be going to Joplin tomorrow. Big whoop.


  33. Liz J says:

    Quebec will continue to make demands for more and more than their fair share, they feel they are more equal than all others.

    I’m guessing we’ll see Layton go to bat for their demands since he owes his new status as Official Opposition Leader to the voters of Quebec. We really don’t know exactly what Layton promised them either, the Media Party didn’t delve into that little matter, they were hoping the election result would make way for a coalition.


  34. Liz J says:

    National Post Editorial today : “Flirting with separatists” gives a rundown of some of Layton’s promises.

    Why do they need separatists when they have federal parties giving in to their every demand?


  35. maz2 says:

    *O’narcissist’s sole legacy:

    “This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”


    “Saban also said in the interview that Obama should visit Israel as he has done with other countries in the Middle East.

    “I’m very perplexed as to why the president, who’s been to Cairo, to Saudi Arabia, to Turkey, has not made a stop in Israel and spoken to the Israeli people,” Saban said. “I believe that the president can clarify to the Israeli people what his positions are on Israel and calm them down. Because they are not calm right now.””

    “Israeli-American Billionaire Says Won’t Be Donating to Obama”


    “*Barack Obama – Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?”


  36. Bec says:

    “Why do they need separatists when they have federal parties giving in to their every demand?”

    Agreed, it’s gotten tiresome and Jack’s bought the run down farm.

    I think the RoC should be the ones holding a referendum and lay ALL the cards on the table. I believe they’d be tossed out on their ungrateful butt. I think we’ve had enough, all of us.


  37. jon says:

    Maz @ 12:27 pm Our CBC is still in mourning: notice Our CBC’s “but”.

    “The budget was never passed as the minority government was defeated by Opposition parties in the House of Commons, but the Conservatives were returned to power in the May 2 election with a majority government.”

    Fire. Them. All.

    I will, as always, criticize the CBC on its left-leaning, anti-conservative bias but as for its bias against PMSH and his gov’t in particular, those days are now over. With a majority govt and with seemingly no action ever going to be taken against the state broadcaster, he and his gov’t deserve everything they get from here on out. I won’t waste my breath, I won’t expend a single ounce of energy anymore to defend him against their slanted reports when he now has the power to deal with them but won’t do anything. Simply put, he’s on his own now.


  38. Fay says:

    You make a good point Jon. The ball is in the Conservative government’s court. A lot of people who only have CBC were disgusted with Terry Milewsky’s reporting during the election.
    Now we see him following the Prime Minister around Europe reporting negatively on every Canadian decision.
    It is time for Stephen Harper to balance the debt with cuts to the CBC.


  39. Jen says:

    Lieberman thanks Canada PM for objection to 1967 borders at G8

    The foreign minister tells Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper ‘Canada is a true friend of Israel,’ after Harper insisted that no mention of Israel’s pre-1967 borders be made in the leaders’ final communiqué.
    By Haaretz ServiceTags: Avigdor Lieberman

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Friday to thank him for objecting to a specific mention of 1967 borders in a statement on the Middle East released by leaders of the Group of Eight.

    Diplomats involved in Middle East discussions at the G8 summit on Friday said Canada had insisted that no mention of Israel’s pre-1967 borders be made in the leaders’ final communiqué, even though most of the other leaders wanted a mention.

    “Canada is true friend of Israel,” Lieberman said, adding that they “understand that the 1967 lines are inconsistent with Israel’s security needs.”

    Lieberman and Harper also spoke about taking a stand against Hamas integration into a newly unified Palestinian government. The foreign minister also invited Harper to visit Israel.

    Read more:


  40. Liz J says:

    I’ve been wondering what Layton means by repeatedly talking about making Canada work. Guess we know the answer, cede to the wishes of Quebec and that would include many of his promises that got the voters to vote for even unknown candidates under the NDP banner.

    If PM Harper goes along with the same catering to the spoiled brat of this confederation he is no better than all the PM’s who served before him. It’ll be business as usual and we all voted for and expected a much different approach, one of fairness, not special treatment.


  41. maz2 says:

    PET Cemetery Report: A Twofer.

    Of Count Ignatieff and Count Ignatieff.

    “*“He has a very, very strong thing about redemption – in other words, feeling guilty.””

    “*“It’s not a happy ending,” said Mr. Newman.”


    Count Ignatieff:

    “If you have lived in South Russia, you know
    what the Jew is,” replied Ignatieff. *’ He is dirty,
    he dresses differently from anybody else, he forms
    a society of his own, and he oppresses the people.”

    “Full text of “The Russian advance towards India. Conversations with Skobeleff, Ignatieff, and other distinguished Russian generals and statesmen, on the Central Asian question”


    Count Ignatieff:

    “*In Peter C. Newman’s book, Ignatieff was ‘the catalyst on the road to ruin’”

    “Originally – and before the debacle – Peter C. Newman was fashioning his biography of Michael Ignatieff on Theodore H. White’s series of books analyzing the American presidents, The Making of the President.

    Mr. Newman, the celebrated Canadian political author, planned to write about the making of the prime minister. He called it: Michael Ignatieff: the Man in Full.”


  42. fh says:

    call your conservative MP and express to your Conservative MP that
    we the conservative team of supporters do NOT NOT want an NDP speaker of the house
    Conservative candidates need to decide who is best suited and not run a slate of
    people to split the vote and allow Denise Savoie NDP to capture the prize
    we the hard working conservative supporters
    deserve that we get a Conservative SPEAKER
    Monday is an important day
    Step up to the plate and reward your hard working conservative supporters with a Conservative Speaker of the House of Commons


  43. Bubba Brown says:

    “But” the Conservatives were re-elected. Yup and I think in his own pragmatic way PM Harper will deal with the “CBC” Conservative bashing Corp.
    In his own good time.
    Jack Layton “all charisma, no meaningful content”
    John (Jack) has become in my opinion the “Dr Ho” of Canadian Politics, but wait!
    Special Language rights, For You!
    But Wait! Special insoles! You will not feel fatigue tromping on rights of ordinary Canadians!
    Wait till Quebecers find out “Dr John (Jack)” is peddling snake oil.
    On Michael Galagnov’s excellent article on Bibi, and Obama, my good wife said the same thing after watching the video.
    The obvious sincerity and from the heart, honest comments of Bibi.
    She was disgusted with the lack of honesty, phoniness of Obama.
    Another wise Conservative Woman. Thank God there are a lot of them.


  44. maz2 says:

    Of the road taken. Of the road not taken. Of leadership.

    Of PM Harper’s leadership: “serious economic problems in any part of the world, whether it’s through trade or financial institutions, have an ability to impact all of us.”

    Of socialism:

    >>> “Europe Staring Into Yawning Financial Abyss”

    “It has come to this. A year after rescuing Greece from default, Europe is staring into the abyss. The bailout has proved insufficient. Greece needs more money, and it can’t borrow from private markets where it faces interest rates as high as 25%.

    But Europe’s governments are reluctant to advance more funds unless other lenders — banks, bondholders — absorb some losses by writing down their debts. This, however, would constitute a default, risking a broader banking crisis that might torpedo Europe’s fragile recovery in France, Germany and elsewhere. There is no easy escape.

    What’s called a “debt crisis” is increasingly a political and social crisis. Looming over the financial complexities is the broader question of the ability — or willingness — of weak debtor nations to endure growing hardship to service their massive government debts.

    Already, unemployment is 14.1% in Greece, 14.7% in Ireland, 11.1% in Portugal and 20.7% in Spain. What are the limits of austerity? Steep spending cuts and tax increases do curb budget deficits; but they also create deep recessions, lowering tax revenues and offsetting some of the deficit improvement.

    Just how long this grinding process can continue is unclear.”


    “Greece’s problems could hit Canadian pockets”

    “ATHENS – While he’s not ringing alarm bells, Prime Minister Stephen comes to Greece with a warning for Canadians.

    “We all know from the experiences of the last two or three years that we’re in a global economy,” said Harper as Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou stood by his side. “And serious economic problems in any part of the world, whether it’s through trade or financial institutions, have an ability to impact all of us.”

    That warning comes as much of the world wrings its hands over Greece’s massive debt problems and the European Commission warns that time is running out for Athens to reach a political consensus on its crisis plan.”


  45. ed says:

    Our Prime Minister supports the right of Israel to live in peace which is obviously the right thing to do. It would be worthwhile if Stephen Harper took note of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on how he conducts himself as leader and defender of his country. PM Netanyahu pulls no punches as evidenced by his recent meeting with President Obama. With him, there’s no room for appeasement. He stands by his principles and demonstrates the courage of his convictions. There’s no backing down, there’s no bribery, and there’s no softening of his principles. There’s no giving in that would weaken the security and the health of his nation, it’s called discipline. Being happy about recent, successful events is a lousy reason for ignoring or diminishing some of the principles you have fought long and hard for.

    So, PM Harper, do not attempt to buy the affection of the quebecois. It’s a losing proposition and it always will be. Tough love is the only way to go. When winning the battle, taking a softer approach is the first step back to square one. The quebecois will respect a leader who stands by his words, one who has the courage of his convictions. IMHO


  46. ed says:

    “What do you think of the proposal to redistribute seats in the House of Commons? Should Quebec gain more seats? Let us know in the comments below.”

    “Thank you for voting!

    Yes, it’s important for Quebec to maintain a significant voice 10.97% (34 votes)

    No, the province is over-represented in terms of population 85.81% (266 votes)

    I’m not sure 3.23% (10 votes)

    Total Votes: 310 ”


  47. maz2 says:

    AGW Report: AlMohammedan’s Global Warning, er Cooling.

    “Now Lee Smith argues that another switcheroo may be in the offing. The Arab Spring may be turning into the “Arab Winter”.

    The leftist MSM/leftist intellectuals coined the words, “Arab Spring”. It’s leftist/Mohammedan code/takkiya for: prepare for Mohammedan Winter.


    “A Coming Arab Winter?”

    “The Fatah-Hamas deal may presage a new Iranian approach to the Middle East.”

    “It can’t give many Americans much lasting pleasure that the Israeli prime minister humbled our commander in chief this week on his home turf. To be sure, a president who seems to relish provoking public confrontations with an ally may have had it coming, but in the end Netanyahu’s speech before Congress won’t satisfy too many Israelis either—or for that matter many other Middle Easterners who have come to depend on American stewardship. The fact that an Israeli leader makes the case for American exceptionalism and U.S. power better than Barack Obama is a signal that Washington has forsaken its traditional role in the Middle East at a dangerous time.”


  48. maz2 says:

    Narcissist Taliban Jacques Bloc Separatist:

    I, Moi, Me, I, I, …….

    I = “Because of Ottawa’s lack of action, it’s essential that I visit,” Layton told reporters after attending a meeting of his Quebec caucus in a downtown Montreal hotel Saturday.”

    I & I = “Layton said: “I’ll tell you one thing, I wouldn’t tell the army to go home as the flood waters are rising.”

    Tell us one other thing, Jacques: Why were you naked in TO?


    “Army should stay in flood zones: Layton”


  49. Jen says:

    Ynetnews > News
    Published: 05.27.11, 16:00 / Israel News

    Canada takes pro-Israel line at G8 summit

    Check out the comments on talkback for this article
    here is one I copied:

    114. Canada is priviledged to have such a PM!

    I envy the state of Canada – God will bless Canada more than any other country when the Messiah comes!,7340,L-4074783,00.html


    • Joanne says:

      Jen – Wow! The comments are amazing.


      • Joanne says:

        I’m blown away by the great coverage of our PM in Greece. CTV especially was saying how Canada is looking so good on the world stage and that it helped the Greek Prime Minister to have PM Harper there supporting the austerity measures that Greece must take.


  50. Fay says:

    Thankyou Jen for directing us to those awesome comments for Stephen Harper and Canada. Meanwhile the silence is deafening from Irwin Cotler, the supposed Liberal defender from Montreal. Mr. Irwin Cotler is past his best before date and what has he ever accomplished besides sitting on the fence.


  51. batb says:

    ed, thanks for the link to the CBC poll, Should Quebec gain more seats?”

    There are now 1,001 respondents and the nos are still winning:

    Yes, it’s important for Quebec to maintain a significant voice 13.29% (133 votes)

    No, the province is over-represented in terms of population 83.02% (831 votes)

    The ROC has pandered to Quebec for far too long. It’s time for them to either pull their weight and a) stop complaining or b) get out of Canada. My Canada does not necessarily include Quebec.


  52. maz2 says:

    Taliban Jacques Bloc’s National Socialism (TJBNS).


    “NDP beats nationalist drum”

    “Montreal Gazette – Philip Authier”

    “Quebec’s anglophone minority has nothing to fear from a New Democratic Party plan to boost French in the federal workplace in Quebec, party leader Jack Layton says.”

    “Layton speech ripe with Quebec nationalism Toronto Sun”


  53. jon says:

    Bubba Brown @ 12:26 pm said “‘But’ the Conservatives were re-elected. Yup and I think in his own pragmatic way PM Harper will deal with the ‘CBC’ Conservative bashing Corp. In his own good time.”

    Certainly, keeping Moore in Heritage doesn’t bode well for that, you’d have to admit. PMSH is fully aware of the criticism Moore took from Levant… he probably even watched the program himself in a repeat. But maybe you’re right. Maybe he will, in good time, deal with them. Why wait, though?

    Perhaps he’s waiting for a pretext, such as when the CBC loses its appeal of a lower court ruling which forced it to open its books to the Information Commissioner…. the fact that they won’t do so voluntarily indicates, to me at least, that they have something to hide.

    Hmmm, I wonder if the CBC will file a report on the controversy it finds itself in?

    Mansbridge: “Tonight, on The National…. Documents just released by court order show that we at the CBC have been flushing your tax dollars down the toilet and that my salary, which is paid for by you the taxpayer, is higher than the PM’s… what fall out will this have for the CBC? Our Chantel, Andrew and Alan will give their thoughts on our At Issue’s panel, later in the broadcast.”

    Um, doubtful.

    Until PMSH does something about them I will not criticize the CBC and their “smearing” of him. No one expects him to privatize them. But no cuts either? Where’s the rationale in that? I guess we’ll have to wait until next March’s budget to see if their are cuts to the CBC. Until then I will not defend him and his govt against the CBC’s attacks.


  54. Alberta Girl says:

    Jon..while I agree with your sentiments, it is important to remember two things..

    1.. The government HAVE NOT even started to govern yet, how could they do anything regarding the CBC…besides…there is more than one way to make changes – cutting them off at the knees would give the old “hidden agenda” front page status, while making changes over the next few yers might be a better way of doing thins —

    This brings me to #2.

    The CBC are mandated by law to exist…to change that would require major changes to that law…there are many places in this country that do not get anything other than CBC and certainly they are obligated to exist in different languages – which is important to different areas of the country. Therefore, the government cannot just cut them off – which oges back to #1.

    So please don’t be discouraged before they have even started governing – they have four years to work it out.


    • Joanne says:

      Good advice AG. Let’s allow PM Harper to at least have the Throne Speech delivered before we start criticizing what hasn’t been done yet.


  55. Jen says:

    Maybe, the PM is leaving the ranting about aCBC to us folks. We seem to have a great affect on tackling CBC than the feds. Don’t let CBC fool you, they are trying anything and everything in the book to sway us from attacking them.

    Joanne, I have to admit that the comments on ynews, are awesome.


  56. Bubba Brown says:

    Jon @ 7:58 What will the Governments agenda look like? The throne speech is probably our best indicator.
    The CBC ? Well they would wither or change if they were more dependant on the number of viewers.
    I am sure in his own good time business will be taken care of.
    I remember a lot of folks very nervous over the green Kyoto crap, remember Bi Ki Moon making a special visit to PM Harper before G8/G20 to get PM Harper to put Globull warming first on the agenda? Didn’t happen.
    We have to have faith in our leadership and the patience to let things play out according to plan.
    Just some thoughts Jon I agree the CBC is a big irritant particularly some of their reporters and anchors. Disrespectful and lazy partisans.
    Remember the 1:95 a vote? gonzo!
    Remember the Liberals?
    Remember the bloc?
    The NDP is in a much worse position then they were power wise, and yet much more accountable to their Quebec voters. Jack Laytons big talk is just that.


    • Joanne says:

      The NDP is in a much worse position then they were power wise, and yet much more accountable to their Quebec voters

      Bubba – Right on. Layton is Quebec’s toady right now. That is going to be a problem for him eventually. I predict big problems with his Western caucus.


  57. Liz J says:

    Jack Layton has no power to make good on any of his wild promises to the province of Quebec, in fact he is in the same position as the Bloc he replaced in the Federal House. Quebec voters voted strategically for what they hoped would result in seats with power due to a coalition. It backfired on the much touted “savvy voters” in Quebec.

    In four years will they change tack and either vote Conservative or worm back into separation mode? Could it all depend on the success or failure of the provincial separatists?


  58. SomeGuyinOttawa says:

    Having the public on side would help the government re: any meaningful action regarding the CBC. Enforcing the much needed “transparency” would show all exactly how much CBC is spending and what they are spending our tax dollars on (including all salaries please!). I suspect there would not be a huge appetite for a continued wasting of our tax dollars when the actual amounts are known. Bring on more transparency for CBC spending please.


  59. Richco says:

    jon, Jen and all – you’re missing the obvious when it comes to the CBC. The biggest threat to it isn’t the Harper majority or what the PM may or may not do to the network.
    The biggest threat to the CBC is SunNewsNetwork. If the CBC doesn’t start improving or at the very least give the illusion of balanced reporting it’s already getting low, LOW rating numbers.

    People can now choose an alternative to both CBC and CTV.

    I don’t see the PM doing anything at all from here on in. Except I really would like Harper to pull rank and launch an internal forensic audit and review of the entire CBC. There needs to be some measure by which we, who pay for the CBC can know what we’re paying for.

    If you haven’t visited the SunNews website Brian Lilley had a column up last week holding the CBC to account for its travel expenses.

    What’s going to hurt the CBC the most is for those who have choices available to them to make them and make them by changing the channel.

    For those who get nothing but the CBC – keep speaking up – I’ll bet they’ll be more inclined to listen now than before the election.


  60. Liz J says:

    Is Warren Kinsella the chief attack dog for the McGuinty mess or is he flying on his own? Guess we’ll know for sure if he pulls something out of his toy box when he can’t find just the right issue to suck in the Ontario masses.

    We’ll all be getting the last $300.00 bucks of Dalton’s Dole out of our own money in June, let’s hope people realize it’s coming from a government who has us in the red.


  61. Richco says:

    one look at Kinsella’s blog this weekend will answer your question Liz – but I think we already knew the answer to the question:-) Kinsella and the McGuinty co. will pull out all the stops to attack the Ont. PCs in hopes something sticks to define Hudak – I just hope Hudak doesn’t let them get away with it and has some counter-punches at their disposal.


  62. Richco says:

    P.S. – I’m quite surprised that there’s hardly any coverage of the PC convention by Blogging Tories. Had a look at the aggregate a few times and I don’t know what it means
    but it sure lacks for enthusiasm at the moment.

    Maybe everyone’s just had enough of politics this year already.

    Which raises a point I brought up before about if we’re destined to have two elections a year ever four years – and if it’s really such a great thing…or not?


  63. Bubba Brown says:

    Probably the most important thing I did not mention about our “National Broadcaster” is that a lot of people no longer watch it.
    If the last election has shown us anything it’s that CTV and CBC are no longer the “makers and breakers of Canadian Politics.
    That does not however excuse their partisan petty politicking.
    We need to keep after them Canada is a world class success story that isn’t being told.
    The endless pimping for Glow-bull warming and the elite of the third, and third class party in Canadian politics is just absurd.
    Bob Rae takes the reins of a dead horse.
    This is news?
    To get the truth about the hacked e-mails rgarding the hockey stick scam you had to come here or SDA.
    That just isn’t good enough.
    I sure want to see an audit, what does the friendly mortician mandsbridge take home?


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